Is Manifestation a Sin? | Ultimate guide

Jimmy S
3 min readMay 20, 2021


What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the belief that once you believe that you can attain something then the universe will grant it to you. This type of manifestation can be either positive or negative. People start to believe that they can do anything of their own with basically contradicts the belief in God and that he created the universe and everything present in it according to Genesis 1. Manifesting that you can do things on your own ignores the existence of God almighty and makes you feel like God which is a sin according to most religion.

Common methods used to manifest

The common manifestation method used by people is meditation and affirmation. In meditation they meditate and focus on the fact that if they wish for anything then they can attain it which is not a sin. We all have needs that needs to be fulfilled and wanting financial freedom or good health is not a greed but instead of saying that a creation by God is going to provide us with everything we can trust God and believe in this words that once we believe in something and put our faith that God will grant us that specific thing then he will grant us our want. It is written in Matthew 7:11 that our father in heaven gives good things for those who want it. This is the Christian belief and according to this word manifesting things in the name of God is not a sin.

How to manifest in Gods name?

Modern-day manifestation affirmations say that they ask blessings from angels. Which can also be seen in the bible that an angel can from the presence of God and blessed people. One thing we need to know that all things good and bad doesn’t happen in our life without Gods permission. So, a blessing has to originate only from God. But asking for evil things to happen in others life is a bad way for manifesting and for this one has to contact evil spirits and mediums which is prohibited by the bible. This is said in Leviticus 19:31 “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.”.

It is not a sin to manifest for your wellbeing and if you manifest for bad things to happen in others life then is a sin according to Proverbs 26:27 “If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead “. So be careful for what you ask for and don’t use mantras which or in a different language because you may no know the origin or the meaning of that mantra. Most mantras are from Hinduism. If you are from other religion then it may be fine and you can give it a try if you wish to.

How Jacob manifested?

We can take the biblical example of Jacob who wrestled with God asking for his blessings in Genesis 32:22–32 and we read that he does not let go of God until he blesses him. Finally God blesses him because of his faith and stubbornness. This is also a form of manifesting. Similarly, we can manifest in the name of God and ask him to grant our wishes and this is not a sin according to any religion.

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Jimmy S

I am a freelance content writer and affiliate marketing newbie. I write about things that inspire me.